Archive for November, 2013

Thanksgiving- Joy for others

Thanksgiving.. An American festival which is quickly catching up on everywhere. As for me, I celebrate all festivals regardless of religion, society, place if it involves good food 😛 Guilty’s charged 😀 Even last day, I was sitting talking with a friend and was asked with a simple question.. “What are thankful for?” Of course it got me to thinking and I came out with a list so long that I might even miss out on a few names 😛

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Happy Thanksgiving to all

Parents are the best gift anyone can ever get and I ain’t no different either. To me, parents would always take the topmost position and that’s one reason I don’t consider them in any list. They are at condition 0. 🙂
So, apart from my parents, the one’s who stick along with me have been quite the supportive ones. My sis to start with, knows all about me.. of the wrongs that I did.. my success, my failures, my arrogance, my ignorance, my stupidity, my occasional hyperactivity.. And still my close have been there for me whenever I needed ’em.. I think that’s what makes them close friends 🙂 I love ya’ll 😀 Thanks for being there. As much as I like praises 😛 (just kidding ) I would like someone to point out the mistakes that I make so that I can correct them and built upon a better me. Occasionally we come across people who would speak there minds regardless of what the outcome is. I like such people and I’m thankful that I’ve got a few myself. 🙂

I’m also thankful to all those who prayed for me and wished me good when I actually needed it. I’m also thankful to Ericsson Global India for recruiting me. 😀 If it wasn’t for Ericsson, I wouldn’t even would ‘ve started making of the Jeclat 14 site. 😛 Lastly, I thank for all the good food and wish to keep it coming 😉 I love good food 😀 And as the saying goes, “Good food can settle any trouble around” 😉

-Singing off



Hack On

Hack On

HHack On

Hacking term has always been kinda misleading. Usually, people take it for cracking into someone’s network or spooking a unusually impossible dialog box in someone’s system mysteriously from a dark room somewhere in some garage 😛 Well, I would like say, that’s not true. 🙂
A hacker is someone who loves to program or who enjoys playful cleverness, or a combination of the two. The act of engaging in activities (such as programming or other media) in a spirit of playfulness and exploration is termed hacking. However the defining characteristic of a hacker is not the activities performed themselves (e.g. programming), but the manner in which it is done: Hacking entails some form of excellence, for example exploring the limits of what is possible, thereby doing something exciting and meaningful.

In modern computing terminology, a kludge (or often a “hack“) is a solution to a problem, doing a task, or fixing a system that is inefficient, inelegant, or even unfathomable, but which nevertheless (more or less) works. To kludge around something is to avoid a bug or some difficult condition by building a kludge, perhaps relying on properties of the bug itself to assure proper operation. It is somewhat similar in spirit to a workaround, only without the grace. A kludge is often used to change the behavior of a system after it is finished, without having to make fundamental changes. Sometimes the kludge is introduced in order to keep backwards compatibility, but often it is simply introduced because the kludge is an easier alternative. That something was often originally a crock, which is why it must now be hacked to make it work. A hack might be a kludge, but that ‘hack’ could be, at least in computing, ironic praise, for a quick fix solution to a frustrating problem.

Privacy Control

Privacy Control

That said, it doesn’t mean that the guy sitting in the dark room and cracking into some network ain’t called hacker 😛 That would definitely be an insult to his talent. 😉 But then the term cracker and hacker is entirely different. Anyways, I ain’t that dark room guy 😛 so you’ll can relax 😀 
So, I’ll be posting on tricks to get through few stuffs that you come across in your daily life and keep wondering “how to” 😉

Stand by.. 😉

Introducing Not only Sql or NoSQL

Only last month I came across this very interesting term “NoSQL”. Quite fascinating as the term might be, I started googling of course to start with and it quite caught my eye. 😀 Happy to see finally syntax struggling coders will be able to execute fine rdbms concepts with extreme prejudice. 🙂 Anyways, I ain’t any master on NoSQL, but certainly one hell of interested guy around here. So, here’s on my quest on NoSQL.. follow up ^_^
Next Generation Databases mostly addressing some of the points: being 

non-relational, distributed, open-source


horizontally scalable


The original intention has been modern web-scale databases. The movement began early 2009 and is growing rapidly. Often more characteristics apply such as: schema-free, easy replication support, simple API, eventually consistent / BASE (not ACID), a huge amount of data and more. So the misleading term “nosql” (the community now translates it mostly with “not only sql“) should be seen as an alias to something like the definition above.

Currently there are around 150 different types of nosql databases, give or take. I ain’t sitting here to count u see. But I’m gonna discuss few of my favorites and the ones I’m interested in..

Hadoop / HBase

The Apache Hadoop project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing.
The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver high-availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-available service on top of a cluster of computers, each of which may be prone to failures.


MongoDB (from “humongous”) is an open-source document database, and the leading NoSQL database. Written in C++, MongoDB features:

  • Document-Oriented Storage »JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer simplicity and power.
  • Full Index Support »Index on any attribute, just like you’re used to.
  • Replication & High Availability »Mirror across LANs and WANs for scale and peace of mind.
  • Auto-Sharding »Scale horizontally without compromising functionality.
  • Querying »Rich, document-based queries.
  • Fast In-Place Updates »Atomic modifiers for contention-free performance.
  • Map/Reduce »Flexible aggregation and data processing.
  • GridFS »Store files of any size without complicating your stack.
  • Professional Support by MongoDB »Enterprise class support, training, and consulting available.

There are several other types of NoSQL db out there. If you want to know further, I would suggest. Start Googling.. 😉

Sliding off with Isha

Isha is the name of the new slideshow app in Android that I’ve been working on. Only last day I completed it with icon and everything and is now upload along with it’s source code on my github page. Now of course there’s a lot of chances of improvement and I’ll get on with them as soon as I’m done with my last EmailReader app, which is pending from a long time now and I’m stuck in the Mime/Types body section.

Anyways, had a great Diwali at college and jalpaiguri where all of us friends roamed and ate around. For the first time saw jalpaiguri lighted up so well. 😛 Frankly, jalpaiguri shuts down at 9 sleeps at 10 😛 But only these few days saw this sudden flow of people and even I was out roaming late 😛 Fantastic feastival of lights. 😀
Sometimes, the darkest corers and found in the brightest of places and the brightest of streets pave way to the darkest of ends. #StoryOfLife

Signing out..